Status of Main Plant Process Building Demolition January 2022
Facilities to be Removed in Phase One
Image from Decommissioning Plan showing WVDP bounds and facilities to be removed prior to or in Phase 1 decommissioning.
Preparing for HLW move
Test fitting an overpack, which will hold five high-level waste canisters, into a vertical storage cask.
Aerial View
On the left the Main Process Plant, Vitrification Facility, Remote Handled Waste Facility, Waste Tank Farm and Other Structures. To the right the State-Licensed Disposal Area with dark cover and the NRC-Licensed Disposal Area which has since received a geomembrane cover.
Building closeup
Main Plant Process Building and associated structures. During Phase 1 decommissioning, 275 vitrified high-level waste canisters will be moved to the interim storage pad and the building will be removed.
Welcome to the West Valley Citizen Task Force Web Site
This site provides information and materials on the work of The West Valley Citizen Task Force, a 19-member advisory group which has been meeting since January 1997.
Learn about CTF
The Citizen Task Force process is being conducted in addition to the public comment processes required by the National Environmental Policy Act and the State Environmental Quality Review Act.