Progress with WVDP decommissioning to continue in 2024 

January 18, 2024, Herald Courier

 Workers at the West Valley Demonstration Project continue to move forward in their efforts to decommission the West Valley Nuclear Service Center and build on the success from last year. New projects and goals have been set for 2024 as crews continue work on the site. 

After starting the demolition of the Main Plant Process Building in the Fall of 2022, the Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management and its prime contractor CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley, LLC at the West Valley Demonstration Project has safely shipped over 9,000 tons of debris from the demolition of the Main Plant Process Building this year. For the calendar year, crews have packaged and shipped by rail over 500 waste containers for safe disposal off site, with each container loaded with an average of 38,000 pounds of debris. 

WVDP crews this past year also safely processed, over-packed and shipped two of seven degraded Chemical Process Cell waste containers off-site for disposal. Both containers had a combined weight of 169,000 pounds. The over 2,000 square-foot cell was designed to dissolve sheared spent nuclear fuel and reduce the volume of high-level waste generated fuel reprocessing and was later used as a storage interim space for vitrified high-level waste canisters. 

Read the full article here.

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning