Ashford board discusses possible home rule resolutions

Springville Journal, February 22, 2024 —

The Ashford Town Board, at its Feb. 14 meeting, held a discussion on the board possibly writing home rule resolutions for the town of Ashford.

“The state seems to continue to want to chip away at home rule,” Supervisor John Pfeffer said. “Part of me feels like we need to stand up at least at the town level and exercise our home rule ability and maybe come up with some resolutions that we send to the state.”

Councilman Bill Heim agreed with Pfeffer on the stance with home rule resolutions. “You are spot on as far as the home rule law. We absolutely let the state shove this stuff down our throat and it’s just not right.”

Pfeffer said he was working on a home rule resolution and encouraged the other board members to propose resolutions as well.

Jason Casper, the new president and general manager at CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley, LLC, gave an update to the board on progress at the West Valley Demonstration Project. With the demolition at the Main Plant Process Building, crews continue to work on demolition on the hot cell, chemical process cell, liquid waste cell tanks and extraction cell #1. Along with the Main Plant, crews also finished demolition of the old guard house and the construction of a new guard house.

Casper also reported on the waste management shipments from the site. 631 intermodals have been generated and 616 have been shipped, with a net weight of 12,203 tons. 39 specialty containers have also been generated and 29 have been shipped to date, with a net weight of 247 tons.

Casper also updated the board on community donations from the past year. Community service donations were given to West Valley Fire District #1 in the amount of $80,000, Bertrand Chaffee Hospital in the amount of $5,000 and Mercy Flight in the amount of $5,000. Last year’s food drive also collected enough food for 10,800 meals, which was delivered by volunteers to nine local food pantries. Other donations included $12,000 in annual community donations, $13,032 to the United Way and over 350 toys collected for Toys for Tots.

In other board news:

– The board approved changing the dates for two upcoming board meetings. The April meeting will be changed to April 9 and the July meeting will be changed to July 17.

The next Ashford Town Board meeting will be Wednesday, March 13 at p.m.

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning