In the News

Below are articles and other news published since the last West Valley Citizen Task Force Meeting. They relate to the West Valley Demonstration Project, nuclear waste cleanup or are otherwise relevant or of potential interest to stakeholders interested in the Project. After each Citizen Task Force Meeting, these articles are compiled into a single document and may be found with the meeting materials for that month.

Olean Times Herald -Environmental groups urge cover for WVDP Main Plant Process Building

September 9, 2022 – The West Valley Coalition on Nuclear Wastes and 24 other environmental groups have joined in opposing demolition of the Main Plant Process Building at the West Valley Demonstration Project without covering the building.

The groups are calling on Gov. Kathy Hochul and state legislative leaders “to prevent the spread of radioactivity including plutonium across the state and region during the upcoming open‐air demolition of the high‐level nuclear waste reprocessing building. It is slated to be leveled starting this fall without meaningful, timely offsite monitoring.” Link to article

Salamanca Press – WVDP erosion modeling question at root of nuclear cleanup

September 8, 2022 – Ray Vaughan is a charter member of the West Valley Citizens Task Force, which was formed in 1978 — prior to the passage of the West Valley Demonstration Project Act of 1980.
Task force members monitor efforts of the U.S. Department of Energy, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and site contractors to clean up the site of the country’s first commercial spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.

Late last month the task force heard a presentation on erosion modeling, which may not sound exciting, but it is at the root of the question about what to do with radioactive waste beneath the surface of the nuclear cleanup site on a plateau overlooking creeks that empty into Lake Erie. Link to article

The News Page – Environmental groups urge cover for WVDP Main Plant Process Building

September 8, 2022 – The West Valley Coalition on Nuclear Wastes and 24 other environmental groups have joined in opposing the demolition of the Main Plant Process Building at the West Valley Demonstration Project without covering the building. Link to article

Olean Times Herald – WVDP erosion modeling question at root of nuclear cleanup

September 6, 2022 – Ray Vaughan is a charter member of the West Valley Citizens Task Force, which was formed in 1978 — prior to passage of the West Valley Demonstration Project Act of 1980.

Task force members monitor efforts of the U.S. Department of Energy, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and site contractors to clean up the site of the country’s first commercial spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.

Late last month the task force heard a presentation on erosion modeling, which may not sound exciting, but it is at the root of the question about what to do with radioactive waste beneath the surface of the nuclear cleanup site on a plateau overlooking creeks that empty into Lake Erie. Link to article

Buffalo News – Groups call for more precautions to be taken for West Valley demolition

September 5, 2022 – Demolition is to start this month on the Main Plant Process Building at the West Valley Demonstration Project.

More than two dozen local and national organizations are urging the governor and state leaders to call for more safety measures during the demolition of the largest radioactive building at the West Valley Demonstration Project. Deconstruction of the Main Plant Process Building (MPPB) is to start this month and will take nearly three years. The groups want the building enclosed during demolition and real-time, publicly reported off-site monitoring before, during and after demolition. They also want a permanent, publicly accessible, online library with all West Valley documents, including assumptions used for cleanup decisions and estimated releases. … Link to article

Upcoming meeting information

The next CTF meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ashford Office Complex, 9030 Route 219, West Valley
On-line webinar: Link to come

Agenda to come!

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning