In the News

Below are articles and other news published since the last West Valley Citizen Task Force Meeting. They relate to the West Valley Demonstration Project, nuclear waste cleanup or are otherwise relevant or of potential interest to stakeholders interested in the Project. After each Citizen Task Force Meeting, these articles are compiled into a single document and may be found with the meeting materials for that month.

Olean Times Herald – West Valley crews complete decontamination of hottest cell

August 11, 2022 – Crews have completed decontamination in the most highly radioactive cell at the Main Plant Process Building at the West Valley Demonstration project.

Cleanup of the Product Purification Cell‐South, which resembled a 57‐foot tall elevator shaft, “contributed to an overall reduction in radiological hazards that will support the demolition of the Main Plant,” according to Joseph Pillittere, a spokesman for CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley, the contractor working on the nuclear cleanup at the West Valley site.

The U.S. Department of Energy is removing as much radioactive and other hazardous material like asbestos as possible before demolition of the plant begins sometime this fall.

The West Valley plant, which operated from the mid 1960s to 1972, was the first commercial reprocessing site for spent nuclear fuel rods. The owner, Nuclear Fuel Services, shut down the plant rather than install additional environmental safeguards.

Product Purification Cell‐South was used to house vessels associated with plutonium separation, concentration, material controls and batching for shipping. Link to article

EM Update – West Valley Worker Feedback Leads to Safe Deactivation on Path to Major Demolition

August 9, 2022 – EM and its cleanup contractor at the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP) recently overcame unique challenges and successfully finished deactivating a highly contaminated cell resembling an elevator shaft in the Main Plant Process Building.

The successful cleanup of the Product Purification Cell‐South by EM and CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley (CHBWV) contributed to an overall reduction in radiological hazards that will support the demolition of the Main Plant, an EM 2022 priority.

During former nuclear fuel reprocessing operations, the cell was used to house vessels associated with plutonium separation, concentration, material controls and batching for shipping.

Due to its configuration, the cell was a potentially oxygen‐deficient workspace that required additional planning and work controls, including a trained confined space rescue team. Link to Update

Salamanca Press – Soil and structure removal project completed at WVDP

July 28, 2022 – Environmental Management and its prime contractor CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley (CHBWV) completed the permeable treatment wall soil and structure removal project and restored the area as part of its ongoing cleanup efforts at the West Valley Demonstration Project.

Materials from the soil and structure removal project were used in constructing the permeable treatment wall, which remains in place.

“This project demonstrated the benefits of using the rail line for waste operations, as well as for increased safety, efficiency, and cost‐savings,” said Steve Bousquet, Department of Energy‐WVDP Deputy Federal Project Director for the Main Plant Process Building. “Our dedicated employees continue to find ways to further improve our cleanup efforts as we look for ways to safely accelerate decommissioning and remediation efforts for the future.” Link to article

EM Update – Moab Site Continues Green Purchasing Streak

July 26, 2022 – Purchasing environmentally friendly products is a longtime goal of EM’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project, and the site has been recognized for it for a third year in a row.

….Other 2022 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners from the EM complex include: …CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley, cleanup contractor at the West Valley Demonstration Project. Link to Update

Springville Journal – EM Site completes soil and structure removal project

July 14, 2022 – EM and its prime contractor CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley completed the permeable treatment wall soil and structure removal project and restored the area as part of its ongoing cleanup efforts at the West Valley Demonstration Project. Materials from the soil and structure removal project were used in constructing the permeable treatment wall, which remains in place.

Workers used the recently upgraded rail line to safely ship 300 containers of soil and 131 containers of debris generated from this project. Both soil and debris containers were shipped from West Valley to Clive, Utah for disposal. These shipments add to a safe transportation record of more than 25,000 rail miles from January through May 2022. Link to article

Upcoming meeting information

The next CTF meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ashford Office Complex, 9030 Route 219, West Valley
On-line webinar: Link to come

Agenda to come!

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning