In the News

Below are articles and other news published since the last West Valley Citizen Task Force Meeting. They relate to the West Valley Demonstration Project, nuclear waste cleanup or are otherwise relevant or of potential interest to stakeholders interested in the Project. After each Citizen Task Force Meeting, these articles are compiled into a single document and may be found with the meeting materials for that month.

ECA Update – DOE Extends West Valley Demonstration Project Cleanup Contract Extension Will Enable Safe Demolition of Last Remaining Major Facility

April 13, 2020 – The U.S Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management (EM) has extended CH2M Hill BWXT West Valley, LLC’s (CHBWV) cleanup contract at the West Valley Demonstration Project in New York State by an additional 39 months, to June 29, 2023. The purpose of this extension is to enable CHBWV to safely and efficiently complete deactivation, demolition and removal of the Main Plant Process Building (MPPB), the last remaining major facility at the West Valley site, as well as other facility disposition activities. Link to article

EIN NewsDesk – DOE Extends West Valley Demonstration Project Cleanup Contract Extension Will Enable Safe Demolition of Last Remaining Major Facility

April 10, 2020 – Cincinnati – Today, the U.S Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management (EM) has extended CH2M Hill BWXT West Valley, LLC’s (CHBWV) cleanup contract at the West Valley Demonstration Project in New York State by an additional 39 months, to June 29, 2023. The purpose of this extension is to enable CHBWV to safely and efficiently complete deactivation, demolition and removal of the Main Plant Process Building (MPPB), the last remaining major facility at the West Valley site, as well as other facility disposition activities. Link to article

DOE Office of Environmental Management – DOE Extends West Valley Demonstration Project Cleanup Contract Extension Will Enable Safe Demolition of Last Remaining Major Facility

April 9, 2020 –  Cincinnati – Today, the U.S Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management (EM) has extended CH2M Hill BWXT West Valley, LLC’s (CHBWV) cleanup contract at the West Valley Demonstration Project in New York State by an additional 39 months, to June 29, 2023. The purpose of this extension is to enable CHBWV to safely and efficiently complete deactivation, demolition and removal of the Main Plant Process Building (MPPB), the last remaining major facility at the West Valley site, as well as other facility disposition activities. Link to Release


Spring-Summer 2020 – Those of us in Springville know one of the best attractions and historical places in the area is the Scoby Dam and its park, but that site is looking to get a major facelift in the coming months.

The proposed project to lower Scoby Dam on the Cattaraugus Creek is moving forward with plans by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Project Manager Geoffrey Hintz with the Corps of Engineers said they have spent the past 10 years putting the project together with preliminary studies and planning. Link to article

Chemical & Engineering News – As nuclear waste piles up, scientists seek the best long-term storage solutions

March 30, 2020 – More than a quarter million metric tons of highly radioactive waste sits in storage near nuclear power plants and weapons production facilities worldwide, with over 90,000 metric tons in the US alone. Emitting radiation that can pose serious risks to human health and the environment, the waste, much of it decades old, awaits permanent disposal in geological repositories, but none are operational. With nowhere to go for now, the hazardous materials and their containers continue to age. That unsustainable situation is driving corrosion experts to better understand how steel, glass, and other materials proposed for long-term nuclear waste storage containers might degrade.Read on to learn how these researchers’ findings might help protect people and the environment from waste leakages. Link to article

Upcoming meeting information

The next CTF meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ashford Office Complex, 9030 Route 219, West Valley
On-line webinar: Link to come

Agenda to come!

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning