Investigative Post – West Valley contamination concerns

February 19, 2022 –

Experts and contend plans to demolish the most radioactive building don’t provide enough safeguards. A similar project in Washington encountered problems.

Contractors are in the homestretch of clearing the West Valley Demonstration Project of buildings.

Fifty‐one of 55 structures have been taken down and the most contaminated of them all — the Main Plant Processing Building — is scheduled for demolition this fall.

How hot are its five stories of reinforced concrete? A trio of moved said it “could be one of the most radioactive buildings in the country.”

The demolition might be welcome news, but the manner in which contractors plan to bring the building down is causing concern, even alarm, in some quarters. Link to article

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on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning