Springville Journal -Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail supporters tour Pop Warner Trail in Springville

March 25, 2021 – On Saturday, March 20, 17 supporters of the extension of the Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail gathered in Springville to experience a completed trail. Deb Fenn, the president of the Erie Cattaraugus County Rail Trail, explained that the majority of the walkers were from Orchard Park and are part of the founder’s club, which meant that they had donated at least one thousand dollars. She said, “I’m so very glad that you could all be with us on the first day of spring. We’re very grateful for your clear and generous contributions.”

…. At the Springville Community Trout Pond, which is adjacent to the trail, Jason Engel, the project manager for the Springville Field and Stream trout pond renovation project, spoke about the project. He said that eventually five thousand fish could be raised in the hatchery annually, and that a concrete pier with wheelchair access will be constructed for fishing. He said, “We’re going to make a better habitat for the fish.” He also talked about the upcoming Earth Day celebration, which will take place at the trout pond on April 24. Several local businesses and organizations will be involved with the event, including The West Valley Demonstration Project, The Springville Chamber of Commerce and the Springville Moose Club. … Link to article

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on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning