January 6, 2022 – Workers at the West Valley Demonstration Project continue to move forward in their efforts to decommission the West Valley Nuclear Service Center and build on the success from last year. New projects and
goals have been set for 2022 as crews continue work on the site.
In 2021, crews from CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley, LLC at the West Valley Demonstration Project completed a variety of projects including restoring rail shipment capabilities for the site, continuing preparation for the main plant process building demolition, installing a new water collection and treatment 2 of 3 system, repurposing an administrative trailer complex into a multipurpose building to support MPPB demolition, placing several cells used during spent fuel reprocessing operations into a readiness state for future demolition, removing the west wall of the MPPB to continue deactivation inside the acid recovery cell and continuing aggressive decontamination in the product purification cell‐south. Link to article