A utility, a tribe, a professor, and Miss America? 4 voices in today’s nuclear power debate as Minnesota faces 2040 carbon-free deadline

MINNPOST, October 25, 2023

Minnesota has a deadline to meet. By 2040, a mandate signed earlier this year requires all of the state’s energy generation to come from carbon‐free sources. Renewables like wind, hydro, and solar are part of that path forward, but industry experts say a steady source of baseload energy production will likely be needed to offset their inevitable intermittency. In other countries, carbon‐free baseload production has often come from nuclear power.

Hoping to gain a better understanding of nuclear — its potential and its problems — Project Optimist sat down with Xcel Energy President Chris Clark (whose company operates the only nuclear plants in the state of Minnesota), well‐qualified academics, and advocates representing both sides of the issue.

Read the full article here.

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on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning