2006 – 2007 Meeting Materials

Materials Distributed at West Valley Citizen Task Force Meetings in 2006 – 2007

Link to Summaries of each meeting in 1997 – 2007
(Link to Summaries and Materials from prior years.)
(Link to glossary of terms used in materials and summaries.)
(Link to Phase 1 Studies website)


November 28, 2007

Meeting Agenda, November 28, 2007 
DOE Project Update 11-28-2007 
DOE Draft Decommissioning EIS Schedule 
CTF Letter to NRC 11-28-2007 
Review Ground Rule Objectives and 1998 Final Report 
CTF Final Report, 1998 
Mission and Ground Rules of the WVCTF
Letter from Paul Giardina of EPA to CTF 11-13-2007
Newspaper Articles

October 24, 2007

Meeting Agenda, October 24, 2007
DOE Presentation 10-24-07 Enhancements to the Interim End State 
Geomatrix Plume Remediation Report 
WVES Presentation 10-24-07 Projected Work through 6/2011 
10-24-2007 Meeting Newspaper Articles 
Coalition-DOE Litigation Summary Judgment Ruling 9-28-07

September 26, 2007

Meeting Agenda, September 26, 2007
07-19-2007 Letter NRC to CTF, Response to CTF Questions 
09-17-2007 NYSERDA to NRC, Comments on NOI to Prepare EIS for Greater Than Class C LLRW 
CTF Letter to Springville Journal, August 23, 2007 
DOE- EPA Core Team Process Fact Sheet 
DOE Update September 26, 2007 
Newspaper Articles 

WVDP Core Team Process Illustration 9-26-2007
WVES Organization September 26, 2007

August 22, 2007

Meeting Agenda, August 22, 2007
07-16-2003 SDA Presentation to CTF by Ralph Wild
DOE Letter to CTF re: Federal Advisory Comm. Act
DOE Progress Update August 22, 2007
Newspaper Articles, 08-22-2007 Meeting
WVES Contract Transition August 22, 2007
WVNSCO Letter to Ray Vaughan re: NDA Cap

July 25, 2007 

Agenda July 2007
Core Team Update July 25, 2007
NDA Cap Plan Presentation July 25, 2007
Newspaper Articles July 2007
WVDP Update Accomplishments Jan-June – Presentation

June 27, 2007

06/27/07 Meeting Agenda
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
NYSERDA Presentation “Expedited Way Ahead”
Presentation “Review of West Valley Erosion Analysis”
Presentation “Brief Overview of Landscape Evolution Models and their Application to West Valley”
NYSERDA Proposal: Alternate EIS Strategy
Historical EIS Scope Reductions
Compilation of News Articles
H.R. 2476
NYSERDA Letter re Facilitation Contract

May 21, 2007

05/21/07 Agenda
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
NYSDEC Public Notice of Closure Plan
NRC Letter to NYSERDA re: Plume
Town of Concord Resolution re WVDP Budget
Compilation of News Articles

April 25, 2007

04/25/07 Agenda
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
NRC Presentation “NRC Roles and Responsibilities at West Valley”
NRC Presentation “Commission’s Final Policy Statement on Decommissioning Criteria for WVDP and the West Valley Site”
2007 CTF Work Plan
03/01/07 U.S. EPA Letter to DOE re Core Team Alternative
04/17/07 DOE Response Letter to EPA
04/17/07 NYSDEC Letter to J. Einach re Springville Dam
04/12/07 Senator Schumer Letter to DOE
April Compilation of News Articles
12/22/98 CTF Letter to NRC re Public Briefing Comments on the Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley
03/29/99 CTF Letter to NRC re Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley
01/05/00 CTF Letter to NRC re Draft Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley
04/17/02 CTF Letter to NRC re Disagreements with the Final Policy Statement for West Valley
02/01/02 Fed. Reg. Publication of the NRC Final Policy Statement for West Valley

March 28, 2007 

03-28-07 Agenda
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
DOE Presentation “The Way Ahead – A Potential Path Forward Proposed by the WVDP Core Team”
NYSERDA Presentation “Reaction to the Way Ahead”
NYSERDA Letter to DOE “DOE’s Assessment of Options to Mitigate the Spread of the N. Plateau Ground Water Plume”
NYSERDA Letter to DOE “NYSERDA Support for Development and Implementation of a Preferred Alternative”
CTF Press Release Guidelines
CTF Press Release Template
NRC Letter to Lambert Regarding the N. Plateau Ground Water Plume
CTF Memo “Questions in Preparation for the April 25, 2007 CTF Meeting”
Compilation of News Articles
NYSERDA Letter to NRC; “NRC Action is needed to Address SR-90 Contamination in Ground Water at the WNYSC

February 28, 2007 

02-28-07 Agenda
Revised Mission and Ground Rules
Presentation “Project Update”
Memo “CTF Press Release Process”
2007 Draft CTF Work Plan
Memo “List of CTF Draft Questions for NRC”
Compilation of News Articles
ECA Report “The Politics of Cleanup

January 24, 2007 

Meeting Agenda
2006 Year End Evaluation Compilation
2006 CTF Accomplishments Summary
CTF Press Release: “Task Force Pushes for More Cleanup of Ground Water Plume”
CTF Letter to NRC Regarding N. Plateau Plume 12-22-06
Revised CTF Ground Rules – January 24, 2007
NRC Letter to CTF 01-03-07


March 22, 2006

Meeting Agenda
Presentation – Not available
RFP Announcement – Not available
RFP Scope
CTF Work Plan – Revision March 22, 2006
WVDP Public Tour Announcement
NRC Policy Issue Memo 2-13-06
NRC Voting Record 3-14-06
NRC History of WVDP
NRC License Amendment
NYSERDA Request to NRC

May 24, 2006 

Pre-meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Project Update Presentation
Drum Cell Presentation
NRC Partial Release Presentation
CTF Work Plan – Revised May 22, 2006
NYSERDA Litigation press release
State and Tribal Working Group Agenda

June 28, 2006

Town of Ashford letter to EPA
WIR draft response
CTF accomplishment History 1997 – 2006
DOE EA cover letter
EPA Regional Administrator Talking Points
NYSERDA letter to DOE
NYSERDA letter to EPA
EPA Pilot Demo Presentation
Project update presentation
EA presentation
NEPA slides
CTF 2006 work plan – rev June 19, 2006

July 26, 2006 

Radiation ‘101’ Presentation – Vaughan
July 26 Agenda
NYSERDA comments on EA
DOE extension of comment period
July 6 Springville Journal Article
July 11 Salamanca Press Article
July 13 Springville Journal Article
Ashford Letter on EA
Draft CTF Comments on NRC SRP
Project Update Presentation
Draft CTF Comments on EA
CTF Letter to EPA on DEIS Preferred Alternative

August 23, 2006 

August 23 Agenda
Regulations 101 Presentation
Regulations 101 Acronyms List
Regulations 101 Citations
WVDP Project Update
NYSERDA’s Views on Draft EIS Presentation
Peer Review Group Qualifications
NYSERDA Letter to NRC 08-04-06
CTF Letter to DOE on EA 07-28-06
DOE Letter to NRC on SRP 07-31-06
NYSDEC Letter to DOE on EA 08-02-06
NYSDEC Attachments to 08-02-06 Comment Letter
NRC Letter to DOE on EA 07-27-06
NYSERDA letter to NRC on SRP 07-27-06
CTF Letter to NRC on SRP 07-28-06
Idaho Comments on SRP
Joss Comments on SRP
Lewis Comments on SRP
Lewis Comments on SRP part 2
Lieberman Comments on SRP
NRDC Comments on SRP
Oregon Comments on SRP
Washington Comments on SRP
Whetstone Comments on SRP
2006 CTF Work Plan – August 23, 2006 Revision

September 27, 2006 

09/27/06 Meeting Agenda
2006 CTF Work Plan – September 25, 2006 Rev.
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Final Environmental Assessment
DOE Presentation “Challenges”
NRC Letter and Monitoring Visit Report
Revised Draft CTF Letter to DOE and NYSERDA
NYSERDA Memo to CTF 09/25/06 re EIS
Revised Draft CTF Letter to NRC September 25, 2006
NYSERDA Memo to the CTF 09/27/06 re Plutonium in SDA
NRC Letter to NYSDEC March 7, 2002
DOE Letter to NYSERDA 03/31/04
NYSERDA Letter to DOE 02/13/04
NYSERDA Letter to DOE 09/25/06
DOE Letter to NYSERDA 09/14/06
DOE Letter to NYSERDA 09/20/06
NYSERDA Letter to DOE 08/28/06

October 25, 2006 

10/25 Meeting Agenda
WVDP Project Overview Presentation
WVDP Update Presentation
N. Plateau Groundwater Plume Presentation
N. Plateau Groundwater Plume Data Presentation
CTF Letter to DOE and NYSERDA
Draft CTF Letter to NRC
2006 CTF Work Plan – October 23, 2006 revision
NYSERDA Letter to J. Bell re Ethanol Plant
NYSERDA 09/25/06 Memo to CTF

November 29, 2006 

11/29/06 Meeting Agenda
2006 CTF Work Plan – November 27, 2006 Revision
11/27/06 NRC Invitation Letter to December Meeting
Draft CTF Letter to NRC
Final CTF Letter to DOE and NYSERDA
08/04/06 NYSERDA Letter to NRC Re Policy Statement
08/10/06 NYSERDA Letter to NRC Re Perf. Assessment Modeling
10/25/06 NRC Letter to NYSERDA Re Policy Statement
10/27/06 NRC Letter to NYSERDA Re Performance Assessment
DOE Presentation “Project Update”
NYSERDA Presentation “The Future of the State-Licensed Disposal Area”
10/24/06 EPA Letter to DOE Re Core Team Process

December 20, 2006 

12/20/06 Meeting Agenda
DOE Project Update Presentation
Complaint – NYS vs. DOE
Press Release “Pataki and Spitzer Announce Legal Action”
CTF Letter to NRC re Plume
Draft CTF Press Release re Plume Letter to NRC
Draft CTF Press Release re Vaughan Testimony
2006 CTF Evaluation
Vaughan Statement to NRC
Vaughan Presentation to NRC
CTF Comments on Draft Press Release
12/05/06 DOE Letter to Vaughan
12/05/06 DOE Letter to Lambert
11/27/05 DOE Rispoli Letter to NYSERDA


CTF 2005 Accomplishments

Upcoming meeting information

The next CTF meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Ashford Office Complex, 9030 Route 219, West Valley
On-line webinar: Link to come

Agenda to come!

For more information

on the West Valley Citizen Task Force, please contact:

Nancy Raca, Facilitator
West Valley Citizen Task Force
c/o Highland Planning